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Actinic chelitis

I’m trying to connect with other members. I just started a efudex yesterday for my lips for actinic chelitis, I’m trying to find out other members who were using it, and some possible tips to help.

  1. starting Efudex can be a little daunting, we understand. There are a few articles I thought you may find helpful and for some basic tips. The author of these articles, April, has written many additional articles on the topic that you may want to check out. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions. We’re here to support you! All my best, Julie (team member)

    1. Hello - I was just prescribed efudex for my lips also and I am quite anxious about the treatment. Can you give an update on how you are doing? My doctor did not give me any tips at all.

      1. Hi
        Can you let me know to edit it and tell you some more things and I think I accidentally hit post reply because it just disappeared on the screen.
        Don’t know if there’s a way to get the message back that I can reread it

        1. Hi
          Did you get message, yeah I had a little more I was gonna tell you

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